8 Beautiful Islands in West Lombok: Escape the Crowds!

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Sekotong is a charming region located on the western coast of Lombok Island, Indonesia. Known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and stunning coral reefs, Sekotong is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. The region is relatively untouched by mass tourism, offering visitors an authentic and peaceful experience away from the crowds. West Lombok Islands have a lot to offer – find out why below!

Gili Kedis

One of the main attractions in West Lombok is the Gili Islands, which consist of Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, Gili Kedis, Gili Gede, Gili Goleng, Gili Asahan, Gili Layar, and Gili Rengit. This little-known area of Indonesia is home to some of the most picturesque and pristine islands in the region. In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through six beautiful islands that promise to whisk you away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. These 6 Island located in the different areas which you usually went with Island hopping tour:

Island Hopping 1 (Gili Nanggu, Sudak and Kedis)

Location of Gili Nanggu, Sudak and Kedis

Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, and Gili Kedis are all located in the West Lombok Islands, which are a group of islands located off the west coast of Lombok Island in Indonesia.

Gili Kedis, like Gili Nanggu and Gili Sudak, is located in the West Lombok Islands and is accessible by boat from the mainland. It is the smallest of the three islands and is known for its pristine beaches and peaceful atmosphere, making it an excellent spot for a secluded island getaway.

1. Gili Nanggu

Gili Nanggu West Lombok

Often referred to as the “Paradise Island” of West Lombok, Gili Nanggu has certainly earned its reputation for a good reason. This small, secluded island is surrounded by crystal-clear turquoise waters, making it perfect for snorkeling and swimming. The island’s pristine white sand beaches are framed by lush greenery, creating a picture-perfect setting. When visiting Gili Nanggu, make sure to explore its vibrant coral reefs, home to a diverse array of marine life. You can also take a leisurely walk around the island, which takes just under an hour, to fully appreciate its beauty.

Aside from snorkeling, there are plenty of other things to do on Gili Nanggu. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll around the island and soak up the stunning natural scenery or unwind on one of the island’s picturesque beaches.

Interestingly, we learned from our tour guide that Gili Nanggu is privately owned by a single individual. We noticed that the island’s accommodations were closed during our visit, most likely due to the long-lasting effects of COVID-19. Despite the lack of accommodations, there was a small Indonesian shop or “warung” on the island that offered simple dishes such as instant noodles and refreshing drinks.

Pro tip:

Avoid going to the Island over weekend (Saturday/Sunday) if you want to have the Island for yourself. We went on Sunday, at first was good, quite then big group of boats came.

2. Gili Sudak

Lunch at Gili Sudak with our tour guide

Gili Sudak, also known as the “Lunch Island,” is a favorite day-trip destination for many due to its charming beachfront warung serving delicious fresh seafood. The island’s calm waters make it an ideal spot for swimming and snorkeling.

Gili Sudak

Unfortunately, during our visit, we encountered a sea snake while snorkeling, which definitely gave us a bit of a scare. As a result, we decided to skip the snorkeling and head straight to the much-talked-about lunch spot.

While waiting for your food to be served at the beachfront warung on Gili Sudak, don’t miss the chance to swim and observe the beautiful starfish in the island’s calm waters. They are a popular attraction and can be seen even without snorkeling gear.

During our visit to Gili Sudak, we also noticed a few accommodations on the island. However, they seemed quite empty, perhaps due to the recent reopening and a lower number of visitors in the West Lombok area.

3. Gili Kedis

You can explore this tiny island paradise called Gili Kedis easily by walking in less than one minute! Despite its small size, it’s a popular destination for those seeking a secluded and tranquil getaway.

While snorkeling is a popular activity on the island, we found that the current was too strong during our visit, so we opted for a quick dip and then enjoyed the beautiful beach instead.

Island Hopping 1 (Gili Gede, Goleng, Layar and Regit)

4. Gili Gede

Gili Gede from our accomodation

The largest island in the southwest Lombok archipelago, Gili Gede, offers a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy. Its lush, hilly landscape provides excellent opportunities for trekking and exploring local villages to experience authentic Lombok culture.

Gili Gede’s coastline features a mix of sandy beaches and rocky shores, perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling. For those interested in water sports, you can also enjoy stand-up paddleboarding and kayaking around the island. In the area of Gili Gede, there are pearl farms our tour guide said managed by a Japan Company and were planted almost 40 years ago.

Snorkeling in Gili Gede was an amazing experience! We were treated to crystal-clear waters and smooth currents that made snorkeling a breeze. The blue corals were simply stunning and added to the island’s natural beauty. We were pleased to see that most of the corals were healthy, despite there being fewer fish in the area. Nevertheless, the underwater scenery in Gili Gede is a must-see for anyone visiting the West Lombok Islands.

5. Gili Goleng

Gili Goleng, a lesser-known island in West Lombok, offers an unparalleled sense of tranquility and seclusion. Crystal-clear waters are home to diverse marine life, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and diving. We didn’t make a stop at the Island only snorkeling in the area. Our guide said there is no one living in Gili Goleng.

6. Gili Asahan

Snorkeling spot in Gili Asahan in front of Pearl Beach Resort

Gili Asahan home to a few accommodations, allowing visitors to extend their stay and fully indulge in the peaceful island atmosphere although not all of them are fully running. The island’s laid-back atmosphere and a small selection of eco-resorts make it an ideal destination for a peaceful retreat. During our visit to Gili Asahan, we were only passing trhough and didn’t go to snorkel as the spots felt a bit more private and were mainly taken care of by the accommodations on the island.

7. Gili Layar

Gili Layar

This hidden gem in West Lombok, Gili Layar features powdery white sand beaches and azure waters teeming with marine life. The island’s tranquil atmosphere makes it perfect for those looking to unwind and disconnect from the outside world.

Gili Layar is a fantastic destination for snorkeling and diving, with abundant coral reefs that offer a colorful underwater spectacle. During our visit, we saw a variety of colorful fish, including the beloved Nemo! However, visitors should be aware that the current can be a bit strong, and there are some algae in the water that are home to sea snakes.

The view from Gili Layar

To avoid any potential risks, our tour guide took us to a safer spot on the boat, where we could still enjoy the vibrant marine life. Additionally, during our visit in March 2023, there were some jellyfish in the water, so it’s important to exercise caution. Overall, Gili Layar is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore the stunning underwater world of the West Lombok Islands.

8. Gili Renggit

Gili Renggit

This small and unspoiled island, Gili Rengit, is a true slice of paradise. Its secluded beaches and crystal-clear waters create an idyllic setting for relaxation and exploration. Gili Rengit is an excellent spot for snorkeling, with the possibility of spotting some turtles if you’re lucky! Although we didn’t see any turtles while snorkeling, we were fortunate enough to spot them during our boat ride to the island. Despite this, the snorkeling experience at Gili Rengit was still amazing, with crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life.

How Much Does IT Costs

The island hopping trip in West Lombok offers a variety of options. As we drove around, we noticed many locals offering island hopping tours. We decided to hire Pak Norman (+6287856830538) based on a fantastic review we found on Google Maps. For a private boat tour of three islands with no time limitation, he charged us 350,000 IDR. At the end of our trip, we even invited Pak Norman to join us for lunch and had a lovely chat. Check out the video of our conversation! Overall, hiring a local guide like Pak Norman is a great way to support the community while experiencing the beauty of the West Lombok Islands.

Watch our Interview with Pak Norman

The price for a second island hopping tour in West Lombok is quite similar, starting from around 350,000 IDR to 400,000 IDR, depending on which islands you want to visit. It’s always possible to negotiate the price, so don’t be afraid to ask! For our second island hopping tour, we were guided by Pak Misbah (+6282340900538), a local fisherman who lives in Gili Gede.

Pak Misbah our tour guide

He shared with us how his interactions with foreign visitors have taught him to take better care of the corals and surroundings. It was great to see how tourism can have a positive impact on the environment and local communities. Overall, hiring a local guide like Pak Misbah is an excellent way to not only explore the stunning islands but also support the local community.


West Lombok Islands are a hidden gem waiting to be explored by travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path destination in Indonesia. With eight stunning islands to choose from, including Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, Gili Kedis, Gili Gede, Gili Goleng, Gili Asahan, Gili Layar, and Gili Rengit, visitors are in for a treat.

Each island has its unique charm and offers something different, from pristine beaches to untouched landscapes, and fascinating marine life. Whether you’re looking to snorkel, dive, or simply relax in a peaceful setting, the West Lombok Islands have got you covered. Hope this article inspired you ;)

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