Caught Off Guard: Surviving an Unexpected Road Flood in Ubud

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Bali’s rainy season can be beautiful, but it can also be dangerous. Heavy morning rain can lead to unexpected road floods, especially in areas like Ubud where the terrain is hilly and the roads are winding. Being caught off guard by a road flood can be scary, but there are things you can do to stay safe. In this post, we’ll share some tips on how to drive on a flooded road and how to stay prepared for unexpected situations. How to Drive if the Road is Completely Flooded:

1. Stay calm and avoid panicking

It’s natural to feel anxious when you encounter a flooded road, but it’s important to stay calm and avoid panicking. Take a deep breath and assess the situation before you act. If you panic and make sudden moves, you could end up making the situation worse.

2. Do not attempt to drive through deep floodwater

Driving through deep floodwater is extremely dangerous and can lead to accidents or engine breakdown (receiving too much water). The depth of the water can be deceiving, and you never know what might be hidden under the surface. If the water is too deep to see the road, it’s best to avoid driving through it altogether. Analyze scooter or car that car drives in front of you to see how deep is the water.

3. Find an alternate route

If the road you were planning to take is flooded, try to find an alternate route if possible but in our case back then there was no alternative road and luckily the flood was not in all of the routes.

4. Keep your headlights on and drive slowly

If you do need to drive through a flooded road, make sure to turn on your headlights and drive slowly. This will help you see any obstacles in the road and also make you more visible to other drivers.

Stay in the line and make sure not to drive far in the left side

5. Keep your car/scooter maintained

Regular maintenance is important for any automotive, but it’s especially important during the rainy season. Make sure your tires are in good condition, your brakes are working properly and check the inner plug or in Bahasa called Busi. If your scooter dies or receives too much water like our scooter make sure to stop on the other side of the road and gently power it back on and ease into acceleration, making sure it’s stable. Luckily our scooter can turn on again to continue our jouney Canggu! But if you face no luck turning your scooter on, it’s time to dry it out or seek professional help at a nearby “Bengkel Motor” – aka scooter repair shop.

Scooter reparation in Ubud area


Encountering a road flood can be scary, but being prepared can make all the difference. By following these tips, you can stay safe and avoid accidents during the rainy season. Remember to stay calm, avoid panicking, and always prioritize safety on the road.

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