
Disclaimer for Ika and Lukas

Should you have any inquiries or need more information about our site’s disclaimer, we encourage you to reach out to us via email at ikaandlukas@gmail.com.

Disclaimers for https://ikaandlukas.com

The information provided on this website is published with integrity and for the purpose of disseminating information for the benefit of the public. While Ika and Lukas strive to maintain accurate and reliable information, we do not offer any warranties regarding the completeness or currentness of the content.

Any decisions or actions taken based on the information found on our website are the sole responsibility of the user. Ika and Lukas will not be held responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use of information on our website.

Our website includes hyperlinks to external websites. We do our best to provide quality links to reputable and ethical websites, but we have no jurisdiction over the content and nature of these sites. The provision of these links does not indicate an endorsement of the content found on these sites. As websites can change rapidly, a link may become outdated before we have the chance to remove it.

We would like to kindly remind users that once you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms of service which are outside of our control. We urge you to review the Privacy Policies and “Terms of Service” of these sites before engaging in any activity or sharing any information.

Affiliate Links Disclaimer

Please note that our website contains affiliate links, particularly to Booking.com. This means we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, should you choose to make a purchase through one of these links.

These commissions aid us in maintaining and operating our site, and your support in this regard is greatly appreciated. Please note that we only recommend places that we have personally stayed at and believe will offer value to our readers. Our views and opinions about these places are solely our own and are not influenced by any potential financial gain.


By accessing our website, you are agreeing to our disclaimer and its terms.


Should there be any changes, amendments, or updates to this document, they will be conspicuously posted on our site.