Escape the Crowds: An Intimate Experience at Nacpan Beach, El-Nido

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Looking for a beach experience that is more intimate and less crowded than the usual tourist spots in El-Nido, then Nacpan Beach is the perfect place for you. Located just a few kilometers away from the hustle and bustle of popular beaches like El- Nido, Lilo, and Corong Corong, this little stretch of paradise offers visitors the chance to have a truly unique beach experience. Let’s explore what makes Nacpan Beach so special.

Nacpan Beach is located on the eastern coast of Palawan Island in the Philippines. The beach features two distinct bays that are separated by a rocky outcropping covered with lush greenery! The sand here is incredibly soft and white, and the crystal clear waters make it an ideal spot for swimming not sure yet about snorkeling since we had cloudy weather when we are there and didn’t see any shop renting snorkeling masks instead we saw ATV. Plus, there’s plenty of space to relax or take part in some beach activities without feeling overcrowded.

Rent Scooter 

Scooters in general are quite expensive in the Philippines around $26 per day! This cost might seem high compared with Indonesia – but nowhere else will give such great access for adventure seekers on two wheels.

Hire Tricycle

Tricycle fare information from Lio Airport

For an easy and cost-efficient way to get around El Nido, look no further than a tricycle! We found that the prices for these rides were quite reasonable. While traveling from the airport to one of El Nido’s beaches recently, we only had to pay 300 pesos – a great value considering how hilly it can be in this beautiful destination. And don’t worry about engine noise either; even though they are not electric like those on Boracay Island, you’ll still enjoy a peaceful ride without interruption.

2. The Journey

Getting to Nacpan Beach was fun! Like the rest of the country, the roads in Plihipines are good and very quiet like traffic doesn’t exist! Only sort of part where the road was quite bad and looked like under maintenance but worry not you will still be able to drive. Everything looks so green and all the trees and bushes received enough water. Before getting to Nacpan there is a waterfall if you fancy checking it out. Feeling a little bit lazy about tracking after some walks at Nacpan beach we decided to give it a pass.

3. Nacpan Beach

If you have visited other beaches in El-Nido then you can really tell that Nacpan Beach was way quiet. Looks like a very small town with mostly fishermen living in the area. Entering the beach you will be asked to fill out a manual form, local said the government wants to know and study where are most visitors coming up from. It was in the afternoon and we were just number 47.

What is in The Area

Nacpan beach from Restaurants and Accommodations

While we walking at the beach most going on the place was the Mad Monkey Hostel. You can see people doing some batching and drinking some beers the rest was rather quiet.

4. Conclusion

Nacpan Beach provides tourists with an unforgettable beach experience that is intimate. So if you’re looking for an escape from the crowds but still want to get your fill of outdoor fun and culture then look no further than Nacpan Beach – it won’t disappoint!

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