From Dreamy to Thrilling: Our top 10 Stunning Waterfalls to Visit in Bali!

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Bali is a beautiful island with so many things to see and do. One of the best things to do on the island is to explore the amazing waterfalls. There are a variety of waterfalls, from serene and dreamy to thrilling and adventurous. Here are 10 lists of waterfalls to visit in Bali! There are waterfalls that either I visited alone or with Lukas.

Pro tip:

To make your trip to waterfalls a more intimate experience, take the opportunity to explore early in the day. That way you can enjoy nature’s beauty free from crowds and revel in its peacefulness.

Bali’s stunning waterfalls come with a range of price tags: from 10.000 IDR to the highest at Sekumpul Waterfall priced at 125.000 IDR – depending on your preference and pocket depth! In general, however, one could expect most falls would cost around 30k both for local and foreign visitors alike.

1. Sekumpul

Distance from Canggu to Sekumpul Waterfall

Sekumpul Waterfall is one of nature’s finest spectacles – a majestic, multi-tiered cascade tumbling down lush green hills and plunging over towering cliffs. You can marvel at the 80 meter (260 foot) highest fall as it creates an awe inspiring and unforgettable experience with its thunderous roar.

To reach the waterfall, you must trek through a beautiful jungle landscape, which takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour depending on your fitness level. The trek is quite challenging as it involves walking over some steep and rocky terrain, but the scenery along the way is absolutely breathtaking and worth the effort.

What to Expect

Rainbow on Sekumpul Waterfall

Once you reach the waterfall, you will be amazed by the sheer beauty of the place. The cool mist from the waterfall and the sound of the rushing water create a soothing and tranquil environment that will calm your senses and refresh your soul. You can take a dip in the refreshing water pool or simply relax on the rocks and take in the stunning view. Our incredible journey culminated in an awe-inspiring sight: a glimmering rainbow cascading down the majestic waterfall. It was truly dreamlike!

2. Nungnung

Located in the regency of Badung, Nungnung Waterfall is a popular destination for travelers seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse themselves in nature. The waterfall is tucked away in a remote area, surrounded by a dense forest that provides a cool and refreshing atmosphere.

To reach the waterfall, you need to take a short trek over some stairs. The trail is not too difficult, but it does require some effort, especially with the hot heat. As you make your way through the waterfall, you will be greeted by the sound of the rushing water and the chirping of birds.

What to Expect

Once you arrive at the waterfall, you will be awestruck by its beauty. Nungnung Waterfall is a 50-meter-tall waterfall that cascades down into a pool of crystal-clear water. The water is chilly but invigorating, and you can take a dip to cool off from the heat.

3. Banyumala

Located in the village of Wanagiri in the northern part of Bali, Banyumala Waterfall is a series of cascading falls that tumble down a steep cliff face into a crystal-clear pool below. The waterfall is surrounded by verdant forests, which adds to the beauty of the place and creates a natural and calming atmosphere.

What to Expect

To reach the waterfall, visitors must trek through a short track and stairs, which takes approximately 15-20 minutes depending on your fitness level. The trek is relatively easy and suitable for most people, and the scenery along the way is absolutely beautiful.

4. Banyuwana

This breathtaking waterfall is one of the most secluded and untouched spots in the region and a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Banyuwana Waterfall is located in the village of Sarangan, nestled among the lush green hills and forests of the area. The waterfall is approximately 25 meters (82 feet) tall and drops into a serene pool below, surrounded by towering cliffs and verdant foliage.

What to Expect

To reach the waterfall, visitors must trek through a beautiful and easy trail, which takes approximately 25-40 minutes to an hour depending on your fitness level. The trek is relatively easy with the scenery along the way absolutely stunning and worth the effort. In the area itself there are 3 waterfalls to see and viewpoints of Buleleng.

5. Gembleng

If you are in Sidemen you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to visit Gembleng Waterfall! Gembleng Waterfall in Sidemen is a series of cascading falls that create a mesmerizing sight as they tumble down a steep cliff face into a crystal-clear pool below. The waterfall is approximately 15 meters (49 feet) tall and is surrounded by natural rock formations and lush foliage, creating a picture-perfect scene that is ideal for nature enthusiasts and photography enthusiasts.

What to Expect

Once you reach the waterfall, you will be enchanted by its beauty and tranquility. The cool mist from the waterfall and the sound of the cascading water create a soothing and serene atmosphere that will calm your senses and refresh your soul. You can take a dip in the refreshing water pool, relax on the rocks and enjoy the stunning views, or go to the top to get an overview of the surrounding.

6. Yeh Hoo

Embark on a journey to uncover the hidden beauty of Yeh Hoo waterfall! Lukas and I recently discovered this beautiful sight while exploring Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, an attraction that should not be overlooked. With both its stunning scenery and close proximity, it makes for the perfect addition to any itinerary!

What to Expect

Visiting Yee Hoo was truly a unique experience! On our journey down to the waterfall, we were greeted with stunning views of majestic mountains and rice fields. In under 10 minutes time, it felt as if we had stepped into an isolated paradise – only 4 people there including us; quite possibly one of the most inexpensive waterfalls around at 7500 IDR for me & Lukas’ 10K.

7. Goa Raja

Experience the majestic wonder of Goa Raja Waterfall! Nestled deep in a verdant jungle, this hidden gem is part of an ancient Balinese regency. Meaning ‘king’s cave’ in Bahasa – enjoy its tranquil atmosphere far from Bali’s bustling tourist spots for ultimate tranquility and peace.

What to Expect

Lukas and I had the privilege to experience one of Bali’s hidden gems – a tranquil waterfall tucked away in its lush jungles. We arrived just moments after a delightful French family, eager for an adventure! It took quite some effort to find it but undiscovered wonders are always worth seeking out aren’t they? There is something so special about being surrounded by nature without having hordes of other people crowding around you.

8. Tukad Cepung

Once you are in the area of Bangli another waterfall that you could visit is Tukad Cepung. The waterfall’s name, Tukad Cepung, means ‘hidden river’ in Balinese, and it is aptly named as it is hidden between high cliffs and can only be seen from within the cave. Once you arrive at the cave, you will be amazed by the sight of the waterfall cascading down through a hole in the cave’s ceiling, creating a breathtaking scene of light and water.

What to Expect

The cave also offers a unique and otherworldly atmosphere, with the sunlight filtering through the hole in the ceiling and reflecting off the water, creating an ethereal and dreamlike environment. When you arrived in the area you can tell this waterfall attracts quite a lot of visitors and when we got there people just waited in line for pictures. Despite its stunning beauty, this waterfall wasn’t quite as enjoyable as we had hoped. So instead of playing beside it, we decided to explore the area and enjoy its charms in a different way!

9. Tegunungan

Tegunungan is located in Gianyar Regency and of the most popular and accessible spots in the region. No wonder there are many shops in the surrounding by far this was a waterfall with many shops that I have visited.

What to Expect

To reach the waterfall, visitors must walk down a flight of stairs, which takes approximately 10-15 minutes depending on your fitness level. The stairs are relatively steep but are well-maintained and safe to use. In addition to the waterfall, the surrounding area is also home to a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants where you can indulge in local cuisine and buy souvenirs to commemorate your visit.

10. Sumampan

At Sumampan waterfall, you can expect to be surrounded by lush greenery and the sound of cascading water. The waterfall itself is a breathtaking sight, with water falling from a height of over 30 meters. The pool is perfect for swimming, and the water is refreshing and invigorating.

What to Expect

To get to Sumampan waterfall, you will need to take a short walk through rice fields and coconut trees. The walk is easy, but it is important to wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water. Along the way, you will be treated to stunning views and the sound of the waterfall in the distance.


Visiting mesmerizing waterfalls is always a great adventure, and the cascades listed above are some of Bali’s must-sees! If you’ve had an amazing experience at one of these spots or want to share a hidden gem we should all visit, let us know in the comments – your insight will be much appreciated.

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