Sweeten Your Trip to Germany with the Strawberry Season

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Are you a fruit lover like me? :D Germany’s strawberry season is something you shouldn’t miss! Imagine yourself biting into juicy sweet, red strawberries, fresh off the vine, while enjoying the beautiful scenery around you. Here’s everything you need to know about the strawberry season in Germany, so you wouldn’t miss it!

1. When is strawberry season in Germany?

The strawberry season in Germany starts in late May and lasts until early July. This is the perfect time to visit Germany and indulge in some delicious strawberries. You can find them in local markets, supermarkets, and even on the side of the road.

Ready to be picked

2. What month is best for strawberry picking?

June is the best month for strawberry picking in Germany. This is when the strawberries are at their peak and ready to be harvested. If you’re looking for an activity that’s both fun and delicious, you should definitely try strawberry picking. There are many farms in Germany where you can pick your own strawberries.

4. What is the German name for strawberries?

In German, strawberries are called “Erdbeeren“. You might want to learn this word before you go, so you can ask for them easily.

5. Where to self-pick strawberries in Germany?

There are many farms in Germany where you can self-pick strawberries. Some of the best places to go are the strawberry fields in Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover, and the surrounding areas. You can find these farms by searching online or by asking locals for recommendations.

we were lucky to find a great place for strawberry picking called “Erdbeeren Selbstpflücken Sander“. The farm is located close to Lukas’s hometown, and we loved it so much that we went there twice! It was a fantastic experience to handpick strawberries straight from the plant, and the taste was absolutely amazing. If you’re ever in the area during the strawberry season, we highly recommend checking it out!

6. How much do strawberries cost in Germany?

The cost of strawberries in Germany varies depending on the season and where you buy them. During the strawberry season, you can find them for as little as €2-3 per kilogram. If you’re looking for organic or specialty strawberries, you might have to pay more.

7. How much is strawberry picking in Germany?

The cost of strawberry picking in Germany varies depending on the farm you choose. Some farms charge by weight, while others have a fixed fee for a certain amount of time. On average, you can expect to pay around €3-5 per kilogram for self-picked strawberries.

8. How do you pick good strawberries?

When picking strawberries, look for ones that are firm, red, and plump. Avoid strawberries that are bruised, moldy, or have soft spots. Also, be sure to pick them gently, without squeezing or pulling them off the stem.


Germany’s strawberry season is a great time to visit and indulge in some delicious strawberries. Whether you want to buy them from a local market or pick them yourself, there are many options available. Just be sure to visit during late May to early July, and keep the German word for strawberries in mind: “Erdbeeren”.

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