When Does Spring Start and What is in Spring?

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Today, we’re on a mission to unveil the beauty of a season that often leaves us breathless – spring. It’s a time when nature awakens from its winter slumber, a rebirth, a fresh start. So ‘when does spring start?’ you ask. And ‘what is in spring?’ Come, let’s journey together into the heart of this remarkable season.

From the warm weather of Indonesia to the fair landscapes of Germany, spring brings experiences that can make your travels memorable. So grab your travel gear and let’s set off on this seasonal adventure, unlocking the wonders of spring in all its glory. Ready? Let’s dive right in!

When everything comes to life – spring

1. What months are spring in Germany?

In Germany, spring comes in March and lasts until May. It’s a beautiful time, as the days start to lengthen and warmth returns. Imagine, birds begin to chirp again, and the buds on trees slowly start to bloom. It’s as if the whole country breathes a sigh of relief, shaking off winter’s chill.

Sure, it’s still chilly in early spring, but the increasing sunlight hints at the warmth to come. If you’re a fan of mild weather and beautiful landscapes, springtime in Germany is definitely for you!

2. How cold is Germany in spring?

It’s not all sunshine and roses. Early spring can still be quite cool, with temperatures hovering around 5 to 15 degrees Celsius brrrr. But don’t let that deter you! A slight chill in the air only adds to the charm of traveling during this season.

Moreover, remember to bring a jacket when you visit, because the evenings can still be quite cool. However, as spring progresses, the temperature gradually rises, bringing with it more comfortable weather.

4. What happens in spring in Germany?

Spring in Germany isn’t just about weather, it’s a time of renewal. When spring starts, you’ll see locals heading outdoors to enjoy the milder weather, visit beer gardens, or take part in outdoor festivals. It’s the perfect time to take a leisurely walk along the Hannover Maschsee or chill at Elbstrand Hamburg.

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Furthermore, the landscapes transform dramatically during spring. Trees and flowers come alive, painting the German countryside with vibrant hues. You’ll see yellow flower (rapeseed field) blossoms promising a visual feast!

5. What is the German celebration of spring?

Germany has its own unique ways of welcoming spring. One of the most notable is the celebration of Easter, a holiday that holds special significance in this largely Christian country. Easter markets pop up, selling everything from painted eggs to sweet treats and handmade crafts.

6. What fruits are ready in spring in Germany?

When spring starts, it’s a delight to see the change in the local markets of Germany. After a long winter, fresh produce starts to pop up, bringing a splash of color and a variety of flavors to the German diet.

Among the first fruits you’ll spot in spring are strawberries. Sweet, ripe, and juicy, they’re a real treat after the cold months. German strawberries are big and packed with flavor, and you’ll often see them used in dishes like ‘Erdbeerkuchen’, a traditional strawberry cake that’s a must-try.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this exploration of the seasonal wonders that this time of year has to offer. From understanding when spring starts, to the delightful temperatures, festive celebrations, and delicious fruits, springtime in Germany truly is a season to look forward to. But don’t just take our word for it. Experience the magic of this season yourself!

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